Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you know if your boyfriend likes you?

It's so wierd...m boyfriend give's me th COOLEST presents. (he's amazing at thinking up the best thing to buy) but we NEVER go places other then hanging out in the neighborhood. he doesnt hold my hand like he used to. doesnt call nemore. and he told my friend he thinks i like this other guy (who i dont).

i have kinda gotten over it tho and am planning to break up with him but im afraid that if he still cares too much he wont accept it and will continue to flirt and stuff. (plus he lives like right ddown the street from me so were on the same school bus and i see him on my runs so i want to still b friends)

o and also im always REALLY busy and he's NEVER busy so we never get to hang out ne mor. plus he doesnt support ne of the things i do. like tae-kwon-do. or track, ESPECIALLY track cuz it takes up most of my time.

so ya i just wana know if he caresHow do you know if your boyfriend likes you?
Well if he cares it seems to be less than he used to, accusing you of liking someone else, and he can't even hold your hand. Just dump him and move on. Not much else going to rekindle that relationship.How do you know if your boyfriend likes you?
You dont give him the attention he's probably use to from past relationships. And dont plan to break up with a guy, make it work today or leave today.
how do you know? boyfriend likes ? you or not?

what kind of question is this ,dear?

if you've accepted him as your huerro,then ,of course he LOVES you.
alright this guy reallly likes u but hes afraid ur not into him. like the holding hand thing is cuz he doesnt know if u wanna. and he probably thinks u make up exscuses not tobe with him or that u never want to make time for him.

tell him exactly howu feel
  • Fashion leather necklace
  • norton 2008
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