Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Let's say you gave up 5 friends for your boyfriend....?

Even though you'd known them for almost ten years, because he found them annoying and didn't like the way they treated you. True, they weren't exactly the best friends in the world. They were bad influences and got you to do things you really didn't want to do and getting away from them was actually the best thing you could've ever done. But still.... TEN YEARS.

However, your boyfriend has friends you really don't care for. One of his best friends tries to flirt with you (even though he's married to YOUR best friend who he's cheated on) and just flat out annoys you with his trying-waaaaay-too-hard jokes. Another of his friends is fine with you..... except that she's constantly trying to give him advice about your relationship and they've had a bit of a past together. You've expressed how you feel about both friends numerous times (which, you don't exactly have the highest regard for either of them) and your boyfriend refuses to cut any ties.

What do you do?Let's say you gave up 5 friends for your boyfriend....?
First off, Congrats for realizing the friends you had were not the best for you. I have to say though that even the boyfriend may have ';pushed'; you to get rid of them, YOU made the final decision to break loose and start anew. That takes guts and is not something someone does easily.

You can voice your concerns to your boyfriend about his friends and concerns you have but it is HIS choice as to whether he is ready to change friends or not. The best you can do once you voice your concerns is to NOT ever be alone with the one who hits on you and to make sure you LOUDLY tell him to stop hitting on you, flirting with you etc in front of the other friends or people who are there with you. As far as the ex who likes to give advice - does your boyfriend follow her advice all the time? Does he defer to her over you? If so, they may not have really let go of what they used to have. If he listens to her but doesn't follow the advice all the time, he may have moved on while she is trying to keep some control over him ';as a friend';. If you are around when she makes the comments or gives the advice you can thank her for her concern and tell her that it is something you and your boyfriend will have to discuss at a later date when you are alone.

Hope this helps. Good luck.Let's say you gave up 5 friends for your boyfriend....?
OK, maybe they were bad influences, but you could be a good influence for them. The question is why would he want to interfere with you and your friends, but he has friends who also aren't that great. Is he trying to control you. Or does your ex-friends know things about him that he don't want to get back to you and by turning you against them they won't be reliable resources. Or am I seeing way too far into this??? It seems that if he has the relationships interest at heart he would break off his unhealthy friendships also.
If you really love him, don't give him an altimatumn. Tell him, look I just don't see fairness in this. I gave up good friends of mine for you. And here you are not doing your share. If he loves and respects you he should find more friends. You become who you surround yourself with. ANd his friends sound like assholes...

Best luck sweety. Don't let it bug you. Tell him how it is, if he really cares about you he'll make a change.
if time is the only issue, and you agree they were bad friends, then this is for the better.

if your boyfriend of 10 years started beating you, cheating on you, doing drugs, ect. should you stay with them just cuz you were with them for 10 years? NO if it hurts you, gets you in truble, or anything you dont like, and it wont change... move on.
You can't call them friends if you ditch them the second some guy tells you to. Doesn't sound like a very good relationship to me. He wants you all to himself so he can have you whenever he wants...yet he can still spend time with his ex?? That's incredibly messed up. He sounds insecure. I'm sorry you lost your friends. It's not too late to try to get them back tho. If your guy really loves you...he'd want you to be happy and have your friends in your life. It doesn't seem right that you're making excuses as to why you're better off without your friends. That's sad. If it was the best thing you could've ever done...why do you miss them?? Don't let a man control you and don't try to control him just because he's got you under his thumb. Doesn't sound like a very healthy relationship. You should be happy to see each other happy...and thats what friends are for.
i say dump him because i see that he is one step towards him controlling your life which will not be good apologize to your friends because i dont think hes good for you and your friends are people you are going to need
i cant believe you gave up ur friends for a guy.
If they are truly your friends, they would stay by your side through thick and thin. If he makes you happy, that should be all that matters. Let them deal with it themselves. You just keep your happiness in mind.
I can't believe you gave up not 1, but 5 friends for this man. If this guys leaves you now, all you will have is yourself and ';GOD';..If your ';friends'; were sooo bad, why didn't you just leave them alone on your own?

1. Reconcile your friendships with your gurls if you miss them.

2. Communicate with you man and let him know he can't ';DICTATE'; how you live. He should accept your friends and you should accept his.

3.Don't allow your friends or your man to be a negative influence in your life and don't allow them the ability to manipulate you. Do what's best for you and don't be a follower!!!
you need to be straight forward and dont take your mans BullS*$@ you have to show him you will kick his *** if need be
UR BF WAS RITE TO TELL U TO GIVE UP UR FRIENDS. they were bad influences which influenced u. i hope u and ur bf stay together!
Well. It doesn't sound like your friends were good friends anyway. But you have to think about how much you really like ur guy. Is he worth it?
You will make 10 more better friends than your previous 5 and the boyfriend, you should dump, before he dumps you.
Threaten to not cut off your friends. He'll get the message. But, yeah, getting rid of those other friends was probably a good idea if they we such bad friends and all of that.
so my deal was that my boyfriend just kind of made me feel guilty whenever i'd want to spend time with one of the friends he didnt like and get me to spend time with him

i eventually broke up with him because i missed my friends. if your boyfriend wont cut ties with his friends, see if you can get your old friends back. apologize, beg, do whatever. if he can have his friends, you can have yours

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