Friday, August 20, 2010

How to make your boyfriend appreciate you.?

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half now. I love him dearly and would do any and everything I can to make sure he is happy. I always find myself going out of my way to do things for him and be there whenever he calls but I don't feel he's willing to do the same for me. There are many time when we argue he fails to see my point and always believes he is right. Since the day I met him he has been a pathalogical flirt who doesn't even know he is flirting sometimes. He's gotten a lot better with his ';flirtyness'; but still flirts sometimes. I know he loves me, there are things he does that shows that but he doesn't go the extra mile like I always do and that's something I really need to feel as a woman-that he appreciates me beyond mention. He has never been the ';mushy';, affectionate type of guy but on occasion he will be. I just don't like the feeling that he doesn't appreciate me the way I do him. I need some help, especially from the guys out there on ways to change that. How can I make my boyfriend appreciate me more?How to make your boyfriend appreciate you.?
It is not in his nature or his choice to appreciate. He simply likes attention.

Stop going out of your way to please him.

He will never respect a doormat.

Their is help online for learning to be assertive.

Being assertive means to have self respect, and respect of others, without letting them control you.

I think if you read up on it you may find some good ideas.

Good Luck!How to make your boyfriend appreciate you.?
Sometimes you have to accept people for who they are and other times you have to leave people because people will not change for you but will only change for themselves. The way you go depends on how much you feel you can take versus what you feel you deserve. No one will give you more than you feel you are worthy of. Flirting is the first step to cheating, but some women confuse being outgoing with flirting. I am outgoing and like to meet new people, but there is a line and that line should not be crossed if you really love the person you are with. As far as always being right, no one ever is, and if someone can not accept their faults or consider another point of view then they have some maturing to do. Not to say time will heal all, but be careful and vigilant in your observations of him. If he does things that you can not accept then it is time to move on.

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