Monday, August 16, 2010

How do you know when your boyfriend is cheating on you?

ok well my boyfriend flirts alot and he gets really angry when he sees me with all my guy friends and i sometimes get mad when i see him with his girl friends but not as much as he does soooo i dont know wat to do and he flirts alot and i love him and i dont want to break up with him but i dont know he can just get on my nerves sometimes but then the next minute i love him alot.......soHow do you know when your boyfriend is cheating on you?
easy and simple - ask him. if he lies and you find out later, leave him. but for now, try the trust factor and ask.How do you know when your boyfriend is cheating on you?
Well if you really like him, you should talk to him and tell him that you don't like him to lirt with other girls but he can hang out as friend with other girls.

If he is violent andd gets angry easily, maybe you should break up with him. But talk to him first. I hope that you dont break up with him and i also hope that you have a wonderful relationship
You are jealous he is just one of those guys who has ''girl'' friends so talkt to him say, ';We both have girl and guy friends so lets promise never to cheat!'; If he doesn't then something is wrong and another option is to say, ';You flirt with a lot of girls will you stop? For me?'; If he is cheating he will a: ignore you or b: disagree/refuse to promise! Well good luck! ;-)

*Hot Topic Rox*
You can't just love someone one moment and not the next! That's not how it works! Well just cuz he is flirtatious doesn't mean he cheats on you! Just ask him to stop flirting because you don't like it. Make sure he knows that you do trust him but you are insecure! Then he won't break up with you!
you just know when he is! he'll start to act different and you'll know the relationship is coming to an end. but talk to him about the flirting issue. if you're in the relationship you guys can tell each other how you feel!


hope i helped!
Just rule of thumb. Sometimes, you CAN judge a book by its cover.

Men who tend to flirt a lot tend to cheat. It is just matter of time.
You have to realize that yes he will have friends who are girls, but he loves you not them. If hes naturally flirty then it would make sense talk to him and say something but not in an angry or accusing way.
just talk to him about it, ask him how he feels when he sees you with those guys and let him know that is exactly how you feel when you see him with those girls, so he needs to take it slow
How old are yew do you even understand love?

If he really loved you like you say you love him then

he wouldnt flirt in the first place.
if you find panties in his car

if he has hickies on his neck

if he goes to the doctor for help with STD

if his cell phone has twenty girls names you do not know

he is cheating
one way to know if he is really cheating u is proof get a pic or catch him in the act but it is sometimes ok to flirt w/ peeps
Just tell him. A girl I know flirted with me and she was going out with this dude that was a friend. What ended up happening is she wasn't for him. You never know till you talk.
If your boyfriend is cheating on you, he will behave differetely. he will buy more gifts, more sweet towards you, will lie about things....
OMG WE HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM...but my bf is very true to me i would know if he wasnt bc we have the same bfs and
you know if he cheating if he don't call talk to or anything

{(what you wrote don't really put any details on your question it seems like you just wanted to right something)}
im a guy but if i was to cheat i would be out a lot not answering calls from ma girl hanging with some other chicks

but hopefully hes not good luck :)
Flirting a lot doesn't mean he's cheating. If the flirting bothers you then just talk to him about it.
you guys shuld talk about how you feel and try to work the problem out.
Gotta catch it for real , don't assume.
O M G u r me
when he screams out someone else name in bed

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